Preferences in music can tell a lot about a person. So what can you learn?
How to give vent to emotions and experiences, to tune in to the working or romantic mood? The best option – turn on your favorite music! We will not torture you with references to all-knowing scientists and clutter the article “interesting facts”, but just note that music has always been an important part of life and had an impact on the psychological and physical well-being of people.
The Importance of Music
Sounds bewitched, put people into a trance during mystical rites and helped them communicate with the gods, inspired them when they went into battle, and healed them physically and mentally. Music entered human life in the Paleolithic era, every event and ritual was accompanied by rhythmic sounds and intricate combinations. The music of the indigenous peoples of Africa and the Americas is still based on the principles laid down many thousands of years ago.
Slowly, music moved away from rhythmics and into melody, strings and wind instruments appeared. In the age of the ancient world, music came in with a great arsenal, it was healing and pleasurable. The priests and philosophers of ancient Egypt, China, Rome and Greece realized that sounds had a tremendous influence on the conscious and unconscious processes of human worldview. Ancient thinkers devoted scientific treatises to the topic of the influence of music therapy on the human body and claimed that through music the order in the universe is established and the harmony in the body is disturbed.
What kind of music do you listen to?
Asking this question, we first of all want to hear what a person breathes, what he or she is into, and what he or she is like. Obviously, the musical preferences are reflected in the personality and its mood. But it’s not so simple, guided by the numerous scientific articles, it is easy to make a wrong impression about a person and hang a bunch of labels. It is very easy to make a mistake.
Classical music
On the intellectual and healing properties of classical music is written very, very much. It has beneficial effects on the human body and its psycho-emotional state and fills a person with a huge charge of positive energy.
LinkedIn conducted an internal investigation and found out that over 70% of middle and senior managers are constantly listening to classical music and note its positive influence on their productivity and performance. There is no need to doubt this, classical music has been proven to increase brain activity, improve mathematical and logical abilities, restore mental balance and increase stress tolerance. What character traits do lovers of Mozart and Tchaikovsky possess? Confidence and charisma with a reasonable claim to intellectual exceptionalism.
According to psychologists, classical music is ideal for the human psyche. It has a good effect both on the general state of a person, and brings the emotions, feelings and sensations into order. Classical music is able to eliminate depression and stress, and helps “chase away” sadness. And by listening to some of the works of W.A. Mozart, young children develop intellectually much faster. That’s the kind of classical music – brilliant in all its forms.
Jazz, Blues, and Reggae
Jazz is a very unique and original style, it has no negative impact on the psyche. Under the sounds of jazz a person just relaxes and enjoys the music, which as the waves of the ocean roll on the shore and have a positive impact. Figuratively speaking, the melodies of jazz can be dissolved without a trace, only if this style is close to the listener. Researchers at a medical institute conducted research on the effects of jazz on the musician himself when he plays a tune, especially improvisational playing. When a jazz musician improvises, his brain turns off some areas and activates some others, at the same time the musician falls into a kind of trance, in which he easily creates music he has never heard or played before. So jazz influences not only the listener’s psyche, but also the musician himself, performing a kind of improvisation. And that’s why this style of music can often be heard in casino clubs, because it relaxes and stimulates the players to play, and that’s what you need in the casino.
In front of you is clearly an extraordinary person, if listens to one of the chosen direction. After all, behind the music is a certain philosophy of perception and passion. Reggae is considered music of a good mood, does not cause aggression and bitterness. Jazz and blues clearly show good musical taste and love of experimentation.
Rock music
There is no unequivocal opinion about a person who loves rock, neither psychologists nor scientists. On the one hand, there is an opinion that low-frequency heavy and expressive music negatively affects the psyche and can cause a release of energy, including aggressive. On the other hand, there are a lot of talented people with extraordinary thinking among rock music fans, who don’t tolerate falsehoods and can impress with their deep knowledge of science and creativity.

Rap and hip-hop
Behind the sharp rhythm and beat, toughness and aggressiveness of phrases, there is always an internal rebellion, a desire to make their point of view and assert themselves. Among the fans of rap and hip-hop more often you can see the young generation, which is just building a life, is on its way to personal and professional growth. Whether its message is positive or negative, this music is a symbol of rebellion.
Most people like to listen to music without fully realizing the effect it has on people and their psyche. Sometimes the music causes excessive energy, and sometimes it has a relaxing effect. But whatever the listener’s reaction to music, it certainly has an effect on the human psyche. So, music is everywhere, its variety cannot be counted, it is impossible to imagine human life without it, so the impact of music on the human psyche is certainly a very important topic.
As it was mentioned above, music is very diverse, and what kind of music a person chooses, listening to his personal preferences. Hence the conclusion that the impact of music on the psyche of the person in the first place depends on the person, on his character, personality traits and, of course, temperament. So choose and listen to music should be the one that is more to your liking, not the one that is imposed or presented as necessary or useful.
Can music change a person’s life? Yes, music can shape a person’s personality and create and maintain the right mood. So turn on your favorite rhythms and look for people who are close in spirit.